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Product Management and Practices

Instructor-Led Workshop



Course and Workshop Details

What is this course / workshop is about?

We have designed and crafted Product Management and Practices - ICP-PDM course in a workshop format for the people who wants to explore and develop product management capabilities. This course and workshop is designed based on the Learning Outcomes designed by ICAgile for the product management track along with product management capabilities which are required for an individual to Uplift their Core product capability craftsmanship.


In this workshop you will get to know about the various aspects of product management role, product, various types of products, various business models, product life cycle, and mapping with the technology adoption curve. Eventually, when you will move in the learning you will get to know about what is market, early market, segmentation, user and customer research, how you can do product strategy and alignment for an enterprise product for their internal brands, why alignment to org objectives are must to have etc.


Through this course, you will build an understanding of the product lifecycle, technology adoption curve and how to manage the solution / product / offerings / what is not product etc. through various states of life cycle etc. You will also get to know about various canvases, visual collaboration frameworks and activity based learning methods that will help to build you conversations with different functions in the organization.

What will your learn and explore?

  • Craft and Build your Product Thinking, Product Sense and Product Mindset

  • Discuss and Analyze a real-world or case study product and share how you can able to use it for your product area or Organizational purpose

  • Prepare a product strategy and describe how they would validate and align towards outcome oriented roadmap

  • Analyze a real-world scenario or case study and show how team composition changes as the product changes, scales and moves through the product lifecycle

  • Activity based learning and case study based reflections for topics as business drivers, market segmentation etc.

  • New Product Journey vs Existing Product Journe

  • Step-by-step experience while acting as a product person

  • Applicability and Usability scenarios - Where we can apply?

  • Product Management practices while having discussion about Building the Right Product or Build Product Rightly

  • Technology Adoption Curve and Product Life Cycle

  • The reality of the product applicability

  • Product Team in the reality while working for a product li

For Upcoming Schedules and Batch

Write to us about our next upcoming batch and ask for registration link
How will you prefer to attend workshop?
Is this your first time attending?

Thanks for registering. You will receive an email shortly with details regarding our next upcoming workshop.

Why workshop days are different?

3 Days Course / Workshop

Optimal Time Investment: A 3-day workshop strikes a balance between providing comprehensive coverage of key concepts and techniques while respecting participants' time constraints.


Practical Tools and Techniques: In a 3-day workshop, we can introduce practical tools, frameworks, and techniques that participants can immediately implement in their product management roles.


Hands-On Learning: Our workshop emphasizes practical application and hands-on learning. With a 3-day duration, participants will have sufficient time to engage in interactive exercises, group discussions, and real-world case studies.ime constraints.


Adequate Time for Q&A: The duration of the workshop ensures sufficient time for participants to ask questions, seek clarification, and engage in meaningful discussions with the trainers.


Interactive Sessions and Discussions: The 3-day duration enables interactive sessions and in-depth discussions among participants. It fosters a inclusive learning environment where participants can share insights, exchange experiences, and learn from one another.


Flexibility for Participants: A 3-day duration allows participants to accommodate the workshop within their schedules more easily.

4-5 days Workshop

Other than what you have in 3 days, you will have following more :


Why Alternative weekends: Reduced Cognitive Load for Participants that helps to have sufficient time between sessions to process and assimilate the information provided in each session. This pacing helps to avoid information overload and allows participants to grasp complex concepts more effectively


Comprehensive Content Coverage: The extended duration allows us to cover a wide range of topics related to AI in product management in greater depth. We can delve into foundational concepts, practical applications, advanced techniques, and emerging trends.


Deep-Dive Case Studies: A 4 to 5 day workshop allows us to include detailed and complex case studies that explore implementations in product management and product capability building. Participants can analyze real-world scenarios, understand the challenges and considerations involved, and develop approach for the successful adoption.


Extensive Q&A and Discussions: The longer duration allows for more in-depth Q&A sessions and discussions. Participants can ask detailed questions, share their experiences, and engage in meaningful dialogue with trainers and peers.

Assignment and Certificate Assessment

This learning and certificate course - Product Capability Uplift - ICP-PDM is crafted and created based on the Learning Outcomes defined by ICAgile

This course is accredited by International Consortium of Agile (ICAgile). The certificate will be awarded to the participants after successful completion and Trainer Evaluation on the following points:


  •  Attendance: Successful completion of the course/workshop requires regular attendance and active participation throughout the duration of the program. Participants are expected to attend all sessions and engage in the workshop activities.

  • Course Completion: Participants must fulfill all the requirements outlined in the course syllabus or curriculum. This includes completing assignments, group activities, assessments, or any other designated course components within the specified timeframe.

  • Participation and Engagement: Active participation, engagement, and contribution to workshop discussions, group activities, and exercises may be taken into consideration for certification. 

  • Capstone / Assignment Completion: Demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. Successful completion and presentation of the learning is an expected requirement for certification.

Capstone Assignments

Assignment 1

Just consider, You are a Product Manager of any of your favourite product which you use on day-to-day usability.


What would be your strategy considering aligned to your product and organisational objectives?


Assignment 2

You are working as a Product Person for a B2IB [internal brand] and had an interaction with your VP-business. You came to know that there is new strategy and alignment.


What will you do to align your product vision towards the business goals?

Assignment 3

Based on your usability, you have had a terrible experience while using a product as a mobile app. 


Share what you felt as a user?


What would be your approach as a product person? Choose your role?

Post Workshop Continuity

We are just not delivering workshops, moreover, we are giving best to build an ecosystem that will assist participants and learning aspirants to be part of the journey while building product capabilities. We are working on the following pointers for the PCU product management academy:


  • PCU Product Academy Online Discussion forums: Establish an PCU alumni network / community platform where participants can connect, share insights, ask questions, and continue discussions related to the workshop. This creates a space for ongoing peer learning and networking opportunities.

  • Expert Webinars or Guest Speakers: Organize webinars or invite guest speakers who are subject matter experts to provide further insights and perspectives. These sessions can provide additional depth and inspiration for participants' ongoing learning journey.

  • Webinars / Q&A Sessions: Conduct follow-up webinars as well as Q&A sessions to address any lingering questions or delve deeper into specific topics covered during the workshop. This allows participants to further explore concepts, clarify doubts, and benefit from continued guidance.

  • Case Studies and Sharing Experiences: Share case studies or success stories related to the workshop topic. Highlight real-world examples of how the workshop concepts and skills have been applied successfully. This provides inspiration and demonstrates the practical relevance of the workshop content.

  • Continuous Learning Opportunities: Notify participants about relevant upcoming events, workshops, or advanced courses related to the workshop topic. Encourage their continued professional growth by providing information on opportunities for further skill development.

  • Mentoring Session and Discussions: Offer optional mentoring sessions and discussions for participants who seek individualized guidance or support. This can involve one-on-one sessions with subject matter experts or mentors who can provide personalized advice and insights.

Our Course Instructors and Developers 


Vikas Uppal



Course Developer


Anubhav Sinha

Course Developer



Frequently Asked Questions

Who provides ICP-PDM Certification?
The ICP-PDM credential is offered by ICAgile - International Consortium of Agile.
What is the format of the training and workshop?
For now, We have designed this training in a workshop format of 3-4 days.
Can you provide training for my Organization as a private classes?
Yes, we do partner with the Organizations for delivering training cum-workshops as private cohort.
How will I earn Certification?
To earn an ICP-PDM certification, you have to go through the training cum workshop and complete ICAgile-accredited class and required assignments. For more, you can access this link.
What benefits and outcomes I will get from this course?
Our course in workshop format will assist you to gain: Clarity in Role, Enhanced knowledge of Product Role, Increase Efficacy in Decision Building and Collaboration, Deeper aspects of Business and Product etc.
Do I have to pay for the annual renewal?
No, you do not have to pay for annual renewal and this certificate is life time valid.
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*WeCollab is Registered Member Organization with ICAgile for ICP-PDM Course.

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